My first blog about PPD was back in 2011 and yet I still get more comments on that than almost anything else. (Only equalled by Are you hosting a BT hotspot? which has taken on a life of its own!) So the purpose of this brief blog is to bring the material - and the many, …
anaphylaxis to PPD
PPD, henna and the dangers of cross reactivity
The inquest into the death of Julie McCabe four years ago has finally come to a close – with the coroner suggesting that the black henna tattoo that Mrs McCabe had had done in Dubai four years earlier could have been a factor in raising her sensitivity to the PPD which killed …
PPD in hair dye and elsewhere
If I check the stats for this blog for the most popular posts, way up in the top five is a very short post back in October 2011 on the dangers of PPD. So, it would seem that this is a matter of considerable concern to many people, on which they cannot find much information. On …