I am aware that, although I have great faith in the earthshattering importance of the deep thoughts that I confide to this blog on the subjects of freefrom food, allergy, electrosensitivity and the ways of the world, there are a number of readers who subscribe to it merely to …
Yet more on slugs…. Edible ones…
I have just received this email from John Scott and feel I need to share....... As I was putting three slugs into the bin tonight, I thought what a waste, when there seems to be so much 'eating' on them, and I was going to ask you if you'd ever come across any slug recipes, …
Not just the slugs that are out to ‘get’ edible plants…
Following on from the sad tale of my parsley's demise.... An edible garden designed by designing-edible-gardens.com I have just, rather belatedly, been catching up on the far sadder tale of Denise Morrison of …