I am an avid reader of The Week and particularly addicted to the snippets on page 6 which include 'Poll Watch' – this week devoted to our misconceptions. Mind you, their figures were taken from Ipsos Mori and Telepraph blogs so maybe the latter need to be taken with a little …
Food allergy and bullying
Sadly, bullying has been endemic in schools as far back as Tom Brown's Schooldays and no doubt long before. Whether it is the colour of your skin or your hair (we redheads have had our fair share), the fact that you are too tall/too small/too fat/too thin, speak with a lisp or …
Maybe that red wine was not such a good idea… Allergy prevention tips
I knew it was too good to be true.... There is a down side to all those great benefits I was going on about a few weeks ago.... (See 'The health giving properties of red wine...') In a useful post in Today Health, Danish researchers are reported to have found that the risk of …