Not surprisingly the press has been awash this week in articles and programmes about the new allergen regulations. Good! Great that they are paying attention and covering the subject. However, inevitably, the coverage has also brought the worst along with the best – such as some …
Ruth's Allergy diary
Hands off my food!!!
When we asked Ruth and Sue to contribute an allergy diary and a coeliac's diary to our websites it was very much with the idea of giving those of us who are lucky enough not to have to live with either life threatening allergies or coeliac disease a window onto what it was like …
Pancake Syndrome
How appropriate the day before Shrove Tuesday! I have just been reading the Anaphylaxis Campaign's excellent new factsheet on Idiopathic Anaphylaxis (the really scary one in which no one can work out what triggered your anaphylactic attack) and I came across this: Flour …