Way back in 2010 when I started this blog, as some of you may remember, its 'header' was a picture of of our garden here at Lawn Road, complete with Boris, our ginger cat, peering in at the bottom. For several months I had considerable fun changing the header each month to …
social media
Brief musings on social media
Prompted partly by Alex's round-up of 2013 'freefrom' news (nearly all of which took place on Facebook, on Twitter or on someone's blog) and partly by an article in the NY Times, I was mulling gently about how social media had totally subverted the way we work - and the way we …
How social media is changing the corporate response
Baby Milk Action is a small, but extremely effective campaigning group which, for the last 20 years, has been hounding Nestlé and other baby formula manufacturers over their 'aggressive marketing' of formula milk, especially in third world countries. They are a very active member …