A new storm of vaccine outrage was unleashed before Christmas with the publication, and then withdrawal, of a study in Frontiers of Health which appeared to show a significant association between vaccination and NDDs (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity …
autistic spectrum disorders
I’ve got a stat for you by Andrew Edwards
If you want to understand how autistic people think, don't read books about them, read books by them. My first, and totally eye-opening experience was when we were investigating the use of the gluten and casein-free diet for autistic spectrum disorders and I read 'Freaks, …
Roundup and autism – is there a link?
Simple explanations for complex problems are always very tempting but they rarely prove to be the answer. This is especially true in our modern medical world where diverse, debilitating and ever more common conditions such as allergy, coeliac disease, Parkinsons, MS, ME and …