Quick update! Jacquie Broadway reminded me that although it is tiny, has the best amino acid profile of any grain around and only 11% gluten (according to the Glutenology table that Micki Rose quoted in her original article) teff is still a grain – sorry all – was getting …
Jacquie Broadway
The Grain-Free Life
Those of you following Micki Rose on her grain-free road to health (see my blog post last month and her new website ) and who may have tried Jacquie Broadways's Amaranth and almond bread recipe will be glad to know that our first consignment of flours (amaranth, teff, chestnut …
Further Banishment of Grains
Is there no stopping her? Not content with a long article on how gluten is in all grains and that cutting out wheat, barely and rye may not be enough to improve your health, and an e-book, Micky Rose has now launched a new totally gluten-free site– www.TrulyGlutenFree.co.uk – …