In December 2017, on a post Christmas shopping expedition, 42 year-old Celia Marsh died after suffering an anaphylactic reaction. She had just eaten a super-veg rainbow flatbread from Pret a Manger which was subsequently found to contain milk protein to which she was …
testing for allergens
Gluten-free food – on prescription – or just cheaper?
On the basis that no publicity is bad publicity, last night's Newsnight feature certainly raised the profile of coeliac disease and gluten free food and, in the 'value for money' area, the NHS came out a lot worse than the gluten-free food manufacturers. None the less, a very …
Not cheap – having an allergy…
One of the constant, and justifiable, moans of those with food allergies/intolerances (and the justification for keeping gluten-free staple foods on prescription) is that 'freefrom' foods cost so much more than 'normal' foods. There are many genuinely good reasons why this …