Judges being silly already – and we were only on Day 2 of 10!!! (Vicki of FreeFrom Fairy, Hailey of Allergy Adventures, Rachel of 7YearstoDiagnosis and Nathalie of Intolerant Gourmand, if you want to know...) However, I am glad to say that this was only a temporary blip in their …
Mrs Crimble's
The FreeFrom Food Awards 2016 – the party – and the future!!!!
Oh yes – the paparazzi were out in force – including Simeon (or was it Isaac) Bailey, judges in the children's category, who had come to the party with their Mum, Christine who organises the children's judging for us. Here he is snapping Tesco (Fiona Carter and Nicki Clowes) …
FreeFrom Food awards Day 5 – Tea Time!
So what could be better than 30 odd chocolates laid out for tasting? How about 55 cakes, cookies and biscuits? And here are our judges looking suitably serious and intent on the business in hand... Surprisingly, although there were 55 entries, they only included a small …
Gluten-free food – on prescription – or just cheaper?
On the basis that no publicity is bad publicity, last night's Newsnight feature certainly raised the profile of coeliac disease and gluten free food and, in the 'value for money' area, the NHS came out a lot worse than the gluten-free food manufacturers. None the less, a very …
FreeFrom Food Seminar
Last week was seriously conference heavy with the Food and Drink Innovation Network's seminar on FreeFrom food on Thursday and an excellent conference on electrosensitivity organised by ES-UK (on which, more anon) on Saturday. I was chairing the FDIN conference at which many …