Breakfast judges hard at work! And hard work it was too as we were judging not just breakfast cereals but milk and yogurts to go with those cereals, and breakfast baked goods. Bagels, crumpets, pancakes, pain au chocolat, savoury muffins – even a vegan 'breakfast …
coconut milk
The dangers of so-called dairy-free ice cream
There has long been a disconnect between terminology used by 'experts' and common parlance and for the most part this is a matter for humour rather than concern. But occasionally the disconnect can lead to confusion which can not only be dangerous but life threatening – and such …
Iced Coffee – Dairy-Free, of course!
The arrival of real summer weather over the last few weeks has made the Foods Matter office realise how lucky it is! It lives in a large Victorian house in north London, with a large, very green and very protected garden which, although not very productive, is extremely organic …