Just off Streedagh beach looking onto Donegal Bay – the most amazing collection of edible seaweeds: sugar kelp, dulse, sea spaghetti, pepper dulse, carrageenan, sea lettuce, velvet horn, bladderwrack, alaria and a very pretty pink seaweed (erect coralline) which is also pure …
Irish Seaweed Kitchen
More on Seaweed…
When I raved on about Prannie Rhatigan's wonderful seaweed book last month I could only experiment with recipes which used nori, as that was the only seaweed that, thanks to Clearspring, I had in my larder. However, as soon as I had finished I put in an order to SeaVeg in County …
Seaweed – food of the future…
'It is vital that we boost our intake of Omega 3s – eat more fish!' we are urged by nutritionists, deeply concerned at the dramatic imbalance between our intake of pro-inflammatory Omega 6 vegetable-based oils and anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fish oils. (It should be approximately …