I am sure that all of you know Micki Rose – a frequent contributor to the FoodsMatter site, expert on all things gluten-related and founder of the Truly Gluten Free site. Some of you may have noticed that we have not actually had any articles from her since her marathon …
gluten sensitivity
Marmosets are gluten sensitive!
Poor little things! So, they too are gluten sensitive.... In fact, the irresistible research report that Alex sent me some weeks ago, reports that Common Marmosets (like the guy below who lives at the Landgoed Hoenderdaell wildlife park in the Netherlands) are gluten …
Bad medicine: food intolerance
A few days ago Alex Gazzola pointed me to an article in the current issue of the BMJ by Dr Des Spence, a GP in Glasgow, laying into both the 'allergy industry' and the food industry for promoting food intolerance as a way to make money. You can read the article here and comment …
The Truth about Gluten – and the Barrier Plan
It is so long since I have blogged that I have almost forgotten what the blog looks like... All down to the 'clear up' after the very successful FreeFrom Food Awards party and presentation on the 17th (see here for the winners and here for Alex's usual witty report on the party). …
Truly Gluten Free Weight Loss
I have just been reading a post on Micki Rose's Truly Gluten Free site in which she gives an update on her own health after three months on a totally grain/gluten free diet – and when I say totally, I mean totally. She has been tireless in tracking down gluten contamination to …